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IZEA influencer MARKETINGBlog Resources


和网红合作推广您的产品或服务时,需要支付多少费用?这是关于网红营销的最常见问题之一。正如您所料,这个问题没有一个简单直接的答案。网红的推广营销费用因受众规模、经验、平台和内容类型而异。那么,品牌方应该如何确定网红的薪酬呢?为了帮助您做出决策,IZEA在2023年网红收益状况报告中对网红的平均营销定价进行了详细分析,以下是一些要点。 按平台划分的网红营销定价 品牌方计划在哪个平台上进行网红营销活动将直接影响费用。如图表所示,您可以看到每个平台都有自己的费用标准,其中Facebook的内容是最便宜的,而Twitch的内容则最昂贵。 接下来让我们来更详细地解读一下各个平台的费用。 Instagram网红营销定价 与网红合作进行Instagram营销活动时,具体费用将由您所需的Instagram内容类型而决定,比如静态照片和有效期24小时的Instagram Story的营销定价就会有所差异。平均而言,一张Instagram照片的费用为1311美元,而一个Instagram Story的费用为2784美元。 TikTok网红营销定价 TikTok是增长最快的社交媒体应用之一,因此品牌方通过网红在该平台上展开营销活动十分常见。TikTok网红薪酬相对较高,平均而言一条TikTok费用约为2741美元。 YouTube网红营销定价 网红通过各种类型的视频与受众互动,例如开箱视频或与博主一起购物的视频。这类视频内容需求量很大,因此YouTube内容的营销费用近年来有所增加。YouTube视频的定价大约在2000美元左右,平均一条视频费用为2102美元。 Twitter网红营销定价 Twitter也是一个吸引人的网红营销渠道。一条推文的平均费用为1643美元。 如何解读各平台网红营销定价 选择一个合适的网红营销平台非常重要。选择一个客户常用的平台非常关键,这样才能在客户偏爱的平台上找到目标受众。 以下是从各平台网红营销定价统计图可以得出的结论: 营销费用通常在642美元至4373美元之间,具体取决于品牌方选择的平台。 像Facebook这样的传统平台费用较低,而像Twitch这样的新潮平台费用较高。 视频内容的费用较高。在TikTok和YouTube上发布的视频的费用是其他平台的两倍到四倍。 受众规模对网红营销定价的影响 通常来说,网红的知名度越高,营销内容的费用就越高。下面的图表展示了受众规模对网红营销定价的影响。 小众网红营销定价 因为研究表明小众网红通常具有比知名网红更高的参与度,所以近年来小众网红的营销费用比以往有所上升。越来越多的品牌方在选择合作对象时,更倾向于在小规模但更具参与度的受众中进行投资,而不仅限于与明星合作。 根据上面的图表,小众网红的受众规模不大于一万人,每篇内容的费用大约为1000美元。…
Simon Gao
May 22, 2023
BlogPress ReleasesResources


IZEA研究发现 22%的18-29岁消费者已经将自己视为社交媒体KOL。 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市(2023 年 4 月 27 日)- IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:IZEA),为世界领先品牌提供网红营销技术、数据和服务的主要提供商,今天发布了第二份年度“网红愿望”研究报告.该报告基于美国消费者情绪,旨在了解哪些人认为自己是有影响力的人,哪些人渴望成为有影响力的人,以及有影响力的网红营销在他们的日常生活中扮演什么角色。 IZEA调查了1,299名18岁及以上的美国互联网用户。该研究是正在进行的一系列 IZEA Insights 报告的一部分,该报告侧重于网红营销的过去、现在和未来趋势。 IZEA对本次研究的主要见解: 61% 的 18-29 岁受访者会辞掉工作,全职成为社交媒体KOL。 那些个体经营者或在少于 10 人的公司工作的人更有可能辞去工作成为全职网红。 每天在社交媒体上花费超过 5…
Simon Gao
May 15, 2023
Blog Resources


IZEA在FLEX中发布人工智能图像生成工具Storyboards。 IZEA更新了Flex和创作者市场,我们从2月份以来为IZEA Flex和创作者市场增加了一些令人兴奋的新功能。 本月,我们发布了几个产品更新,旨在帮助营销人员进行创意构思并更有效地沟通。IZEA Flex A.I.故事板(Stroyboards),我们全面的网红营销平台现在有了A.I. Storyboards模块。Flex用户现在可以利用人工智能生成故事板和照片灵感。新的AI Storyboards使用定制的图像技术进行网红营销故事板应用。可以使用各种模型和艺术风格来根据您的特定提示制作独家视觉效果,无论是抽象概念还是文字解释。在网红营销活动中使用A.I.故事板 A.I. Storyboards是确保您的网红营销活动达到所有正确标记的终极工具。通过storyboards,您将能够描绘出哪种活动照片看起来最好,最有效地传达您的信息,这些都是在组合昂贵的制作团队或与客户接洽之前完成的。 使用storyboards,您可以: 指导创作者关于活动照片的氛围和构图。 头脑风暴活动照片或视频的想法。 将您的活动概念可视化以向您的代理客户展示。 如何使用A.I.故事板 A.I. Storyboards可以帮助您轻松制作完美的镜头,提出创意的新想法并令客户惊叹。如要开始使用,请进入模块,输入提示,然后选择模型、样式、纵横比、大小和图像数量。 包括在IZEA Flex中的七个不同模型是Poseidon、Morpheus、Odin、Erato、Chronos、Anasi和Gorgon。每个模型都提供了另一种渲染图像和解释文本提示的方法。无论您试图创建什么类型的故事板,都可能有一个模型能够满足您的需求。以下是每个模型中露营图像的示例。 您可以从六种图像样式中进行选择:铅笔、钢笔、木炭、矢量、绘画和自由形式。对于彩色图像,请选择自由格式样式或在提示中指定您想要的颜色。 使用A.I.Storyboards的技巧 请查看以下的视觉优化技巧: 在构图时采用特定的视角,例如极端特写、中特写、全景、远景和极远景。 如需生成彩色图像,请在提示中包含颜色,或尝试使用Free Form样式,该样式可创建彩色照片。…
Simon Gao
May 2, 2023
Blog Resources

Social media marketing trends to watch in 2023

Marketers trying to keep up with social media trends may find it a challenge to know where to invest their efforts and budgets. With new platforms like BeReal growing in popularity and older platforms like Twitter losing users, charging subscription fees and scrambling to find fake accounts, predicting marketing trends is more difficult than ever. To help you get past the confusion, check out some statistics and expert insights on everything from podcasts to augmented reality products, and social search products. Now is not the best time to start a new podcast For a while, podcasts seemed destined for infinite growth. But with 80% fewer podcasts launching in 2022 than two years ago, the trend seems to have slowed significantly for both indie creators and larger studios. That's not to say that existing podcasts are suffering. According to Insider Intelligence, more than 26 million new episodes were released last year, and U.S. listeners increased by 5 percent. While the percentage of Internet users who listen to podcasts at least once a week is expected to decline slightly in the coming years, the industry remains strong. TikTok is facing competition According to Insider Intelligence, TikTok still holds the title of "favorite app" for Gen Z. With 70 percent of the population expected to use it monthly by 2023, TikTok is facing competition from a number of social startups, including TikTok is facing competition from a number of social startups, including: Gas: The app was launched in 2022...
Simon Gao
March 22, 2023
Blog Resources

How does TikTok's algorithm work? 6 Tips for Expanding Exposure

When you open TikTok, how many recommended videos do you watch? Are these recommendations the right ones? Like all social media networks, TikTok uses an algorithm to recommend personalized content to each user. With TikTok, these selections are made available on "Recommendations for You". While the algorithm is known for its accuracy, U.S. regulators are concerned about it. U.S. officials are concerned that the Chinese-owned app could use its algorithm to manipulate suggested content and use the information collected to monitor content. TikTok has committed to some level of regulatory oversight of its recommendation algorithms and has asked third parties to review its algorithms for any manipulation. TikTok hopes its efforts to increase transparency will ease tensions and calm fears that have sparked U.S. legislation that would result in an outright ban on the social media app. How does the TikTok algorithm recommend content? According to TikTok's official explanation, its recommendation algorithm is designed to observe and quantify the following data: User interactions The algorithm tracks data about users' interactions with videos. If a user responds positively by commenting, liking, following or watching the entire video, similarly relevant content is recommended. Similarities between videos and messages TikTok's algorithm scans content and identifies similarities. More specifically, the algorithm is looking for common audio tracks, sounds, hashtags and subtitles. For example, remember when #CornKid went viral? An interview with a boy who liked corn on the cob went viral and turned into a song. Over the next few days and weeks, hundreds of creators used the song in their own clips. The algorithm identifies audio tracks and subject tags and recommends them to anyone interested in having seen such content. Device settings TikTok also looks at device settings to get basic information such as a user's location or preferred language. For privacy reasons, TikTok says these settings are not heavily incorporated into the algorithm. 6 Tips for Expanding TikTOk Content Exposure TikTok's algorithm has become the hottest topic, but the channel is still an effective option for brands and weblebrities to pick up and collaborate to reach their audience. If you're looking to expand your reach, use these algorithm-recommended tips: Make shorter videos to increase watch time As mentioned earlier, TikTok's algorithm tracks watch time. If followers watch the video from start to finish, this is a positive indicator to the algorithm that more of your content may be shared with users. TikTok also thrives on short video clips, so you should pay attention to content length when creating video content. Interact with similar content Help the algorithm understand who you are by interacting with similar content. ...
Simon Gao
March 13, 2023
IZEA OVERSEAS influencer MARKETINGBlog Resources

10 tasks that must be identified in influencer marketing

Impactful marketing campaigns are inseparable from the close communication and research of your partner influencer KOLs. Here are strategic tips on KOL influence, engagement and brand content to consider when planning your influencer marketing campaign to accurately select influencer, which will help maximize the effectiveness of marketing on the influencer channel. Content Relevance It may be influential to include well-known influencer KOLs in your marketing campaign. However, choosing the right weblebrity is even more important. Be sure to look at the type of content they have produced in the past, the relevance of the content to your target audience, and the types of participants they can drive to ensure that you are reaching KOLs that your target consumers trust. Content Posting Frequency How committed are influencer KOLs to their self-publishing or blogs? If influencers rarely post, then their audience is likely less active as well. Even if a KOL has a large following on social media platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or a history of impressive website traffic, it is important to understand how active they have been in the past month or two. Fan Profile The analysis of fan profile is the first step of research in selecting a netizen, just as the data is important to analyze the effectiveness of the netizen's marketing campaign after it is over. Audience data plays a crucial role in predicting the marketing effectiveness of KOLs. Audience data can include page traffic indicators, composition of fans, interest tags, interaction rate, etc. Content Quality During the screening of online celebrities, past content is something that must be carefully reviewed and monitored by clicking on the comments. If their content lacks substance or is full of process-oriented production and copywriting, there is a good chance that both content and follower quality are poor. High quality historical content, be it copy, images and videos, is necessary to bring effective communication to the brand. User Engagement Are weblebrities consistent in their engagement on social media? If they regularly create high quality content but have few followers on social media, it may indicate a problem matching their followers with KOL content. We are looking for weblebrities with high engagement, indicating that the audience of followers fits well with the content attributes of that weblebrity. Professionalism Is the weblebrity professional in the email or communication session with you? Again, a lack of professionalism may be a clear sign that they may not be a good fit as a promoter for your brand. Experienced weblebrities will demonstrate a very professional attitude during the customer communication process and can help the brand to review the marketing strategy, content ideas and plan the marketing objectives. Relationship Building Reaching out to influential KOLs only during a campaign can limit the effectiveness of your campaign. Make sure you stay in touch and communicate well with them before, during and after the campaign to keep their attention and interest in your brand or product - otherwise, your brand will pay higher costs and lack bargaining power over the online celebrities. A positive and cooperative attitude influencer marketing is not a "one-and-done" marketing plan. In order to make the most of your campaign, you need to invest resources in nurturing your channel and brand ambassadors and answering any questions they may have about your product or the campaign as a whole. The more responsible the influencer KOLs are, the clearer the Brief and even more challenging questions they will ask when working with brands. Don't feel that influencer play big, it's because they are more professional and take responsibility for their content. Clear Objectives Any marketing campaign needs clear objectives. Setting goals and expectations for your campaign early and sticking to them is good for strategic challenges, lessons learned and clarity of positioning throughout the year. The clearer the marketing goals and expectations for different weblebrities, the more effective the campaign can be. Satisfying Payments Big brands usually don't skimp on paying quality online celebrity KOLs satisfying payments. Of course, some small KOLs or KOCs will promote for free in exchange for their products, but generally speaking, they won't do it for a long time and the quality cannot be guaranteed. Developing a budget plan that suits your influencer marketing can help you both keep the partnership of quality influencer, even brand exclusivity, and reduce the cost of long-term cooperation. ...
Simon Gao
February 27, 2023
ChatGPT Inlfluencer MarketingBlog Resources

How to Use ChatGPT in Influencer Marketing

ChatGPT and how it can help brand marketing has become an important topic today. Artificial intelligence tools, which can simply be described as augmented chatbots, are bound to have some role to play in the marketing space. Here is IZEA's primer on what ChatGPT is and how it can be used to help with influencer marketing programs. The technology, while new, is free to use and its popularity is growing rapidly. A recent poll showed that 27% of people use ChatGPT to get their work done. Its rapid adoption has marketers factoring it into a variety of marketing strategies, including the use of ChatGPT in influencer marketing to develop strategies. What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a recently released AI tool that generates human-like conversations and handles data collection tasks, and has been seen as a more powerful and intuitive chatbot. It is primarily used in the customer support space to explain requirements, synthesize available resources and provide answers or links to resources to customers. It can also write session transcripts and perform administrative tasks. Ways ChatGPT can be used for influencer marketing ChatGPT has a lot of potential, but it's too early to figure out the best case for it, but we've seen some successful applications after testing and research. Here are tips on how your brand can use ChatGPT to enhance your next influencer KOL marketing campaign: Enhance customer service before the campaign One of the most common uses of ChatGPT is to assist with customer service. ChatGPT can quickly decipher a customer's needs and provide a solution or point them to a specific link where they can find more information. Ideally, an impactful marketing campaign will increase your traffic and sales. Therefore, ensuring top-notch customer service is ideal for making a good impression. Even in some cases, marketing campaigns can increase the need for customer service. Let's say you are working with a small group of influential KOLs and need to post an endorsement of a new product on social media following a recent product recall. Part of that campaign may entail returning the recalled product for the customer. If this is the case, customer service needs to handle the request efficiently and courteously. Try ChatGPT in this case. Brainstorming campaign names or slogans ChatGPT can brainstorm ideas for you. So, if you are looking for a brand name or a catchy Slogan for your campaign, you can ask ChatGPT for some ideas. Get help with Hashtag Every influential campaign uses a relevant hashtag, which requires some research. For example, in addition to branded hashtags, you may need some industry-specific Hashtags, which ChatGPT can provide for you. It can also provide a list of relevant trending hashtags, but double-check them to make sure they are appropriate. Automatically generate copywriting content that can be repurposed...
Simon Gao
February 20, 2023
OVERSEAS influencer KOLBlog Resources

Follow 5 marketing quotes to guide your marketing strategy

Quotes from industry experts are educational, thought-provoking and even inspiring to practitioners' career aspirations - IZEA has summarized the best quotes from experts in the field of influencer or content marketing as strategic ideas to guide your future marketing strategies and further learning about influencer marketing. Celebrity quotes from the field of influencer marketing to inspire you 1. "The biggest advantage of using influential influencer for promotion is that you have the opportunity to choose people who belong to your target audience, or who appeal to your target market." - Neal Schaffer This quote from marketing guru Neal Schaffer illustrates the importance of knowing your target market and working with weblebrities whose audience is relevant. 2. "Consumers don't buy goods and services. They buy a relationship, a story, and magic." - Seth Godin While selling products may be your ultimate goal, focus on providing your audience with what they want; building rapport and creating engagement that fosters loyal customers is the essence of marketing. Influential online celebrity KOLs are uniquely positioned to help you build these important relationships because they already have a loyal audience. As we found in our marketing report published by IZEA Insights, most people now trust authentic recommendations from influencer KOLs more than hard-hitting celebrities. 3. "Branding is no longer about us telling consumers what it is - it's about consumers telling each other what it is." - Scott Cook There has been a recent change in the way people consume. Having a good product or service is no longer enough. Consumers want to understand brand value and they pay close attention to how brands present themselves on social media and to the public. This famous quote from marketing guru Scott provides a good way to think about marketing. Higher-order brand communication is not a voice from the brand, but word-of-mouth among target consumers. 4. "It's important to increase your brand's online presence. Presence is not the same as having influence. Presence can be measured by the amount of social media attention, while influence does not." - Martha Giffen When it comes to influential marketing and working with potentially influential online celebrities, there is more than just the number of followers to consider. Social media brand influence is a long-term and relies on constant content output to increase interaction rates. Fans are brand advocates and trust that any advice given by an online celebrity is reliable and necessary. ...
Simon Gao
February 7, 2023
FOREIGN influencer MARKETING IZEABlog Resources

5 Tips for Building a influencer Marketing Strategy

influencer marketing is one of the hottest trends in digital marketing. It has become the most effective way for brands to reach new audiences and gain exposure. A successful influencer marketing strategy requires careful planning and research. Follow these five tips suggested by IZEA below to build your influencer marketing strategy. How to Build a Successful influencer Marketing Strategy According to Insider Intelligence, "More than one in five (21%) marketers worldwide use influential influencer KOLs to promote their brands and products." Here are a few tips for developing a strategy. Analyze your brand audience Developing an effective influencer marketing strategy needs to start with understanding your target audience and identifying the types of content they engage with. Conducting consumer research can help you identify the types of influencer that will best connect with your target audience. You should also consider the types of content that resonate with them and which platforms they prefer. This information will give you a better understanding of who you should target as part of your influencer marketing strategy. Determine Your Objectives Before developing a influencer marketing strategy, you must first determine what you hope to achieve with this type of campaign. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? More website traffic? Increased sales or conversions? There are many more types of online marketing campaigns to consider. You should also determine how you will measure success and set realistic goals accordingly. This will allow you to better focus your efforts on achieving these specific goals while tracking your progress. Selecting Platforms to Promote Once you have determined your goals, it's time to decide which platforms to use for your online marketing campaign. While there are many options available, such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc., each platform offers different opportunities and audiences that can benefit your campaign in different ways, so it's important to choose the right platform based on your goals and target audience. For example, if video content is essential, then YouTube would be ideal; however, if photo content is more important, then Instagram may be a better fit for your needs. Find the right online celebrity KOL Now is the time to find the right online celebrity for your campaign. Before making any collaboration decisions, find which weblebrities are a good fit for your brand and target market by analyzing their engagement rates, follower profiles, and historical content data. When choosing someone who aligns with your brand's tone, consider their interests and values so they can create more authentic content that resonates with their followers. Also, make sure they have enough reach on their platform so they can effectively spread the word about your product or service. Manage your campaign effectively Once all the steps are in place - identifying targets, choosing platforms and selecting weblebrities - then the campaign can be managed effectively by providing planning instructions on what needs to be done from start to finish (including creative guidelines or limitations) to Ensure that all progress is tracked between you and each collaborator. This includes a signed contract before any work begins to protect the responsibilities and obligations of both parties involved. Finally, monitor progress at each stage of execution so that any necessary adjustments can be made quickly - keeping agile adjustments to campaign effectiveness is key! That's where IZEA's Full Service team and Freelance Product Flex come in handy. ...
Simon Gao
January 30, 2023
Blog Resources

4 Suggestions for Technology Companies to Do influencer Marketing

Technology companies are increasingly recognizing the power of online celebrity marketing in attracting new audiences and driving sales. By partnering with content creators, companies can build credibility and trust among their target demographics and gain meaningful insights about their customer base. influencer Marketing Tips for Tech Companies In this article, we'll provide tips for tech companies on influencer marketing to help maximize to brands improve their marketing results. 1. Establish your metrics parameters Before you start looking for content creators, your team needs to determine your budget and who, where and how you want to reach. As a technology company, you may be looking for online celebrities with a niche audience rather than a large following. Audience Target Audience Who are you trying to reach? For example, for a B2B technology company, your audience profiling statistics may be guided by job title or interests rather than age or income. Platform Platform Which social media channels are you trying to reach them through? For example, if you sell CSM software, LinkedIn can reach your target audience better than TikTok. Format Format Are you looking for influential weblebrities to create video tutorials? Live streaming? Creating text and images? For example: unboxing videos that open the box of an electronic product and showcase its features and benefits are better suited for newly released tech products and in-depth seeding marketing. Once you have determined the budget for your next campaign and the ways and platforms to reach your target audience, you will have a more detailed plan and strategy. 2. Define your goals While "sales" may seem like a goal you want to achieve through online marketing, don't limit your strategy to just one. But don't limit your strategy to this goal. Instead, consider other campaign goals that may provide long-term advantages and move customers down the funnel. These might include: Customer retention App downloads...
Simon Gao
January 16, 2023