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全球领先的网红营销技术、数据和服务提供商IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:IZEA)今天宣布IZEA.com已成功吸引了100万注册用户。近几个月来,IZEA.com每日新增1000至2000名新注册用户,流量大幅增长,品牌的知名度大幅提升。这一用户注册激增主要归功于公司推出的FormAI,即为创作者和营销人员量身定制的人工智能工具套件。 “我们为达到这一重要里程碑感到自豪,”IZEA创始人兼首席执行官Ted Murphy表示。“尽管在网红营销行业中关于规模的说法很多,但很少有公司能像IZEA一样拥有如此规模的第一方自愿加入的网络平台。我们在过去几个月里所见到的用户增长令人难以置信。” 除了达到100万注册用户的里程碑之外,公司还宣布另一个显著的成就:自7月份平台推出以来,通过FormAI已经创造了超过100万个生成图像。 “在过去17年中,我们的平台促成了超过390万次网红合作。现在,有了FormAI,我们看到新用户纷纷采用我们专为网红营销打造的最新人工智能技术,”Murphy补充说。“100万图像里程碑被如此迅速突破,显示了创作者对拥抱和引领这个行业未来的热情。” 如果希望成为IZEA的网红或营销人员,请访问。获取新闻和资源,请关注。 关于IZEA全球网红营销 IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(“IZEA”)是一家营销技术公司,提供软件和专业服务,使品牌能够与当今具备社会影响力的网红KOL和内容创作者实现全方位合作和交易。该公司是不断发展的内容商业化的先驱,使自媒体能够通过他们的内容、创造力和影响力创造价值。 IZEA 于 2006 年推出了业界首个网红内容营销平台,此后促进了在线品牌买家和网红内容创作者之间的近 400 万笔交易。全球领先品牌和代理机构均与 IZEA有合作,以社交媒体互动率、多样化品牌声量、扩大内容制作并推动可衡量的投资回报。
Simon Gao
November 22, 2023
Blog Product Updates


新年即将来临,现在是时候考虑以品牌身份加入欢庆活动了!对于很多人来说,新年意味着重新出发和焕发,而一个巧妙策划的网红活动可以帮助品牌在这个重要时刻与受众接触。品牌和网红可以借助像元旦这样的节日展示他们的产品或服务如何成为顾客在新一年中应对挑战的解决方案。寒冷的冬季充满了营销机会,使品牌有机会与那些寻求能够改善生活的产品和服务的消费者建立联系。 人们在这个时候往往更有动力,更愿意回应新的广告活动,并向着购买能在新年受益的产品迈进。根据国家医学图书馆引用的多项调查显示,有44%的美国受访者倾向于制定新年计划。 充满创意的新年营销活动 分享新年愿望并鼓励用户生成内容 鼓励社交媒体用户分享他们自己的新年愿望,并附带品牌关键词,对互动最多的帖子提供赠品。 根据统计数据,2023年最受欢迎的新年愿望是过上更健康的生活和养成更健康的习惯。那些提供有助于实现这些目标的产品的品牌可以将这些物品定位为健康生活解决方案,从而利用这一趋势进行营销。 推出有奖挑战 吸引观众参与您的内容的最佳方式之一是通过奖励来激励他们。通过分享一月份的挑战并以赠品作为奖励,您的品牌可以实现这一目标。为客户制定一个月的挑战,并要求关注者在分享帖子时包含一个品牌标签。除了互动,您的品牌还可以获取来自真实顾客的用户生成内容。 邀请网红分享他们的新年日常 与生活方式网红合作,展示您的产品或服务如何无缝地融入他们的日常生活。请创作者拍摄一段视频,展示产品的使用方式。这让您的顾客了解他们可以通过购买您的品牌的产品来实现什么,从而鼓励他们进行消费。 展示限时限量产品 限时限量版产品充分利用了新年的紧迫感,鼓励顾客进行消费。在新年前几周开始发布相关内容,让您的受众能够提前一窥新产品,并为即将到来的新一年带来的新产品而感到兴奋。 作为品牌分享新年愿景 展示品牌的人性化方面是与顾客和受众建立联系的最佳方式之一。分享您的员工或团队如何以您的产品或服务增强的新习惯来开始新一年。作为品牌,通过分享您的公司的愿景,如提供更好的客户服务和回馈社区,来与您的顾客建立联系。这突出了品牌的价值观。 更新品牌的社交媒体资料 在新一年中,通过尝试新的内容格式和风格来改善您的品牌内容,从而让顾客继续关注。分享与您的品牌新年愿景相符的日常或每周更新和抱负。通过与新面孔和崭新的风格分享内容,为您的品牌注入新的活力。 在新年前夕举办直播活动 与网红合作伙伴一起庆祝新年,以与您的目标受众建立联系。通过主持直播活动分享令人兴奋的消息或赠品,并与网红就新年中即将举行的活动进行问答。新年是一个激动人心的时刻,快通过一个鼓舞人心的市场活动加入新年营销潮流吧! 关于IZEA全球网红营销 IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(“IZEA”)是一家营销技术公司,提供软件和专业服务,使品牌能够与当今具备社会影响力的网红KOL和内容创作者实现全方位合作和交易。该公司是不断发展的内容商业化的先驱,使自媒体能够通过他们的内容、创造力和影响力创造价值。 IZEA 于 2006…
Simon Gao
November 14, 2023
Press ReleasesProduct Updates

IZEA宣布于戛纳举办IZEA AI Days活动

IZEA将在法国南部蔚蓝海岸发布一套全新的生成式人工智能工具,旨在服务创作者和营销人员,并举办一系列个性化展示活动。 全球领先的网红营销技术、数据和服务提供商IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(纳斯达克代码:IZEA),非常兴奋地宣布将参加今年的戛纳国际创意节,同时举办IZEA AI Days活动。AI Days将于2023年6月19日至21日举行,届时IZEA将进行一系列个性化的现场演示,展示即将推出的一套全新的生成式人工智能工具。戛纳的AI Days为参会者提供了与IZEA首席执行官和高级团队成员会面的独特机会,讨论机器学习如何推动网红营销走向未来。参会者还有机会体验IZEA最新的AI软件,该软件利用ChatGPT和多种生成式图像技术。在此活动中,KOL网红们将有机会登上由IZEA赞助的游艇,在克鲁瓦塞特海滩附近与戛纳的参会者一同巡游。如果您希望获得独家邀请,请访问。“我们很高兴将IZEA的AI Days带到戛纳,并与网红营销社区分享我们最新的生成式人工智能工具,” IZEA的创始人兼首席执行官Ted Murphy表示,“我们的目标是利用人工智能技术赋予创作者和营销人员更强大的创作能力,使他们能够更高效、更有效地制作高质量内容。” 戛纳的微软主持讨论会 除了AI Days外,Murphy还将在2023年6月21日星期三与微软的全球品牌领导团队一起主持一场讨论会,地点位于Brand Innovators营销领导力峰会。戛纳的营销领导力峰会是一场面向品牌营销人员的现场活动,仅限品牌方的营销人员免费注册参加。如果您希望参加此活动,请在此处注册。 关于IZEA全球网红营销 IZEA Worldwide, Inc.(“IZEA”)是一家营销技术公司,提供软件和专业服务,使品牌能够与当今具备社会影响力的网红KOL和内容创作者实现全方位合作和交易。该公司是不断发展的内容商业化的先驱,使自媒体能够通过他们的内容、创造力和影响力创造价值。 IZEA 于 2006 年推出了业界首个网红内容营销平台,此后促进了在线品牌买家和网红内容创作者之间的近 400 万笔交易。全球领先品牌和代理机构均与…
Simon Gao
June 7, 2023
IZEA OVERSEAS influencer MARKETINGBlog Product Updates

IZEA Flex Beta version is newly launched

Our IZEA Flex beta was newly launched this fall and feedback suggestions from our beta users have helped us do a better job in rolling out the next generation of our web marketing platform to all marketers. We are always working to improve and update the product based on user needs to ensure that the platform is flexible enough to be used by brands and marketers of all sizes. Flex is a fully customizable netroots marketing platform with core modules that allow you to manage all aspects of your marketing campaigns. We are constantly improving our product to make it easier and more seamless for brands to work with influential weblebrities. Stay tuned for next month's product update to learn more about our Flex platform. For a description of Flex's core features and products, please visit IZEA Flex About IZEA Worldwide influencer Marketing IZEA Worldwide, Inc. ("IZEA") is a marketing technology company that provides software and professional services that enable brands to work with today's socially influential influencer KOLs and content creators, enabling a full range of partnerships and transactions. The company is a pioneer in the evolving commercialization of content, enabling self-publishers to create value through their content, creativity and influence. IZEA launched the industry's first influencer content marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online brand buyers and influencer content creators. Leading brands and agencies worldwide have partnered with IZEA to drive social media engagement rates, diversify brand voice, expand content production and drive measurable return on investment. IZEA's online celebrity marketing software and full-service solutions are trusted by the world's leading brands, find out which solution is right for you, contact us
Simon Gao
December 19, 2022
IZEAx influencer MarketingBlog Product Updates

IZEAx Product Technology Update: August 2022

IZEA Announces August 2022 About IZEAx Product Improvements Throughout the summer of 2022, the IZEA product team has been working to improve and fix our influencer marketing software product. The ease of use of our products is of paramount importance to us. Our goal is to improve the performance and usability of our software and to make the connection between brands and creators more efficient and successful. We regularly add branded content to our BrandGraph Netroots Big Data Tracking System to improve the effectiveness and insights of our social media intelligence platform. We also continuously adjust and upgrade our IZEAx Unity Suite and Discovery netroots marketing systems and software tools based on user feedback. If you're interested in IZEA's products, stay tuned for monthly product update announcements to learn more about how we're supporting influencer creators and brand marketing with technology upgrades! About IZEA Global influencer Marketing IZEA Worldwide, Inc. ("IZEA") is a marketing technology company that provides software and professional services that enable brands to collaborate and transact with the full range of today's socially influential influencer KOLs and content creators. The company is a pioneer in the evolving commercialization of content, enabling self-publishers to create value through their content, creativity and influence. IZEA launched the industry's first influencer content marketing platform in 2006 and has since facilitated nearly 4 million transactions between online brand buyers and influencer content creators. Leading brands and agencies worldwide have partnered with IZEA to drive social media engagement rates, diversify brand voice, expand content production and drive measurable return on investment. Brand Advertisers IZEA's influencer marketing software and full service solutions are trusted by the world's leading brands, find out which solution is right for you, contact us
Simon Gao
September 6, 2022
IZEA OVERSEAS influencer MARKETINGBlog Product Updates


We've introduced new tracking links in IZEAxDiscovery and Unity Suite to provide marketers with a better, more reliable way to track the traffic and conversion effectiveness of creator content. Brands are looking for more useful ways to measure the effectiveness of working with online content, and scientifically based tracking links can help make that happen. iZEA's new tracking links provide effectiveness and quality scores, so marketers can know what kind of target audience they are actually reaching and work with the right KOL creators on the right platforms. Our tools help marketers find real online creators and gain insight into the audience of fans who are reaching out to them. Pairing them with tracking links provides a way for brands to measure the effectiveness of these campaigns. But tracking links are not limited to use on campaigns. IZEA x Discovery marketers are now able to create these links, and Unity Suite customers have similar capabilities in the campaign creation process. The webmasters you send links to don't have to be part of the IZEAx platform for you to track their content. Just create a link and send it to the target collaborating webmaster creator - it's that simple! Features and Analytics Dimensions Valid Clicks: You'll get a clear picture of which webmasters and platforms are generating the most real traffic.Top Referrer: See the upstream lead channels that are bringing visitors to your site, so you know which platforms most visitors are coming from and can better focus your future efforts.Top Audience Location: See the geographic locations where most clicks come from. device: See the types of devices that visit your site. click Quality: Third-party authenticators provide insight into the percentage of suspicious activity so you can test different tactics to satisfy real customers. click Activity: Use various data filters to see more detailed insights about clicks. ...
Simon Gao
July 29, 2022